Have you also noticed yourself getting grumpy/irritable, or low in mood when your back pain lingers and keeps returning? You’re not alone. Pain has a huge impact on mood levels and stress, and as we saw above, stress actually increases your pain further!
Relaxation and meditation techniques can really help to break you out of this nasty cycle, reducing cortisol levels, improving mood, and providing you with strategies to help in stressful situations.
The internet is filled with useful meditation/relaxation apps to get you started. Some of the commonly used ones include: Mindfulness, finding peace in a frantic world, Headspace, Calm, and Insight Timer. The list goes on, it doesn’t matter what you pick, as long as you enjoy it.
If you don’t fancy using an app, try the following basic technique. Even 10 minutes a day can improve stress levels and boost your immune system:
Sit in a quiet location and close your eyes. Empty your head. Focus on your breathing, ensuring that your out-breath is one-count longer than your in-breath. If you are new to this technique you will likely find that thoughts drift back into your head very quickly. Don’t worry. Just acknowledge that they are there and gently push them back out of your head. The more you practice this the easier it will become.